한화글로벌에셋 주식회사
Legal name | 한화글로벌에셋 주식회사 |
Legal address | 세종특별자치시 부강면 금호안골길 79-20, 한화글로벌에셋(주), Sejong Special Autonomous City, 30077, Korea |
Registration authority entity ID | 202-81-63842 |
Entity status |
LEI number | 988400LLFBYCGYIPPM84 |
Status |
Next renewal date | 2020-03-30 |
Managing LOU | 한국예탁결제원 |
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Legal name | 한화글로벌에셋 주식회사 |
Entity status |
Other entity names | Hanwha Global Asset Corporation |
Registered at | Business registration (National Tax Service) 사업자등록 (국세청) Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea RA000657 |
Registration authority entity ID | 202-81-63842 |
Legal jurisdiction | KR |
Entity category | GENERAL |
Entity legal form code | 주식회사 (kr) 5RCH |
Validated At | Business registration (National Tax Service) 사업자등록국세청 Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea RA000657 |
Validated As | 202-81-63842 |
LEI number | 988400LLFBYCGYIPPM84 |
Status |
Initial registration | 2018-03-28 |
Last update | 2023-07-27 |
Next renewal date | 2020-03-30 |
Managing LOU | 한국예탁결제원 |
Validation sources | FULLY_CORROBORATED |
Legal address | 세종특별자치시 부강면 금호안골길 79-20, 한화글로벌에셋(주) |
Postal code | 30077 |
City | Sejong Special Autonomous City |
Region code | KR-50 |
Country | KR | Korea |
Headquarters address | 세종특별자치시 부강면 금호안골길 79-20, 한화글로벌에셋(주) |
Postal code | 30077 |
City | Sejong Special Autonomous City |
Region code | KR-50 |
Country | KR | Korea |
No ultimate child data available |
Establish the global identity of your company
The LEI certificate is a document that contains your company information, based on the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) - an international standard (ISO 17442) endorsed by G20 countries.
Build trust and instill confidence
Show your commitment to transparency and accountability to business partners, investors, and regulatory authorities.
Simplify compliance requirements
Obtaining an LEI certificate can help you simplify compliance requirements with banks, brokers, and other entities.
Global recognition
The worldwide recognition and acceptance of LEI certificates can aid in easing international transactions and minimizing trade obstacles.